On May 3rd from 20:30, we have the pleasure to introduce one of Japan's foremost fiddlers, Tak Tamura. Tak has devoted himself to the study of Traditional Irish Music focussing on the fiddle. Ten years spent gigging around Ireland have earned him the respect of his peers in Ireland and abroad. Well, don't just take my word for it, check out some toons on his web site!!! www.geocities.jp/irishfiddlemusic
Tak Tamura first studied the fiddle at the age of 19 under Nick Farrelly in England and continued his studies in Galway from 1995. He then spent many years playing professionally around Sligo, Galway, and County Clare becoming well known and liked among the local music community. This led to a teaching position at the Galway School of Traditional Irish Music, where his original approach to teaching made him very popular with the students.
In July 2004, Tak teamed up with Danish accordionist, Anders Trabjerg, to produce his first album, 「For the same reason」. In the same year, he was part of a memorial CD produced by the Willie Clancy Summer School with James Kelly、Brian McNamara、Claire Keville. The CD reached number 7 on the Irish Music Magazine’s traditional music charts.
Tak returned to Japan in 2004 and currently teaches the fiddle privately and gigs all over Japan. For more information check out his web page at:
英国シェフィールドでの恩師 Nick Farrellyの助言を受け、1995年にゴールウェイへ移住。その後、スライゴーやゴールウェイ東部、クレア西部のフィドル音楽の美しさに魅せられ、そのスタイルを独学で学ぶ。現地ではセッションやギグを数多くこなし、地元のミュージシャン達の中でも熟達したフィドラーとして知られる。旧ゴールウェイ伝統音楽学校(GSTIM)では非常勤講師を務め、独自のアプローチ、教え方によって人気を得る。
2004年7月、デンマーク出身のアコーディオン奏者 Anders TrabjergとCD「For the same reason」をリリース。同年「Willie Clancy Summer School」でJames Kelly、Brian McNamara、Claire Kevilleらと合同CD発売記念イベントに参加。地元ゴールウェイではCrane Barでの発売記念ギグを行う。
ネイティブでないギャップを感じさせない質の高いアルバムとしてClare FM、Galway Bay FM、Radio Na Gaeltachtといった地元ラジオ局で取り上げられ、アイリッシュ・ミュージック・マガジン(Irish Music Magazine)の月間チャート、ゴールウェイ部門7位となる。