10 December 2009
Christmas Dinner クリスマスディナー
04 December 2009
Events in Dec. 2009
24 November 2009
Hanz Araki @ The Gael Irish Pub ! ハンズ アラキがゲールに来る!

Irish flute player Hanz Araki is the quintessential world music musician. He has performed around the world with the Juno Award-winning Paperboys, The Bridies, Casey Neill, etc. While his love is Irish music, his deep roots are in the shakuhachi, the traditional bamboo "Zen flute" of Japan, following in the footsteps of his father, Kinko Ryu Grand Master Kodo Araki V. There, his American mother’s Gaelic roots came into play, and he began teaching himself Irish and Scottish tunes on the flute and whistle. His ability on the flute and his uncanny command of traditional songs with his voice quickly made him a fixture of the Irish music scene in
Look at HP for more information 詳しくはHPへ
Date Nov 28th Sat
Start <20:30>
No cover charge!
Reservation is recommended. Call 075-525-0680
The Gael Irish Pub
19 November 2009
Nov Schedule
The chance to show your hidden talent.
26 September 2009
Oct. Schedule 10月のスケジュール
22 September 2009
250th Guinness Day ギネス誕生250周年
11 September 2009
80's NIGHT!!! INTERNATIONAL PARTY インターナショナルパーティー
19th (Sat) 6pm to 9pm... ALL YOU CAN DRINK for 3,000 yen 飲み放題 3,000円
...LIVE SPORTS ライブスポーツ@ GAEL...............
12th: 16:25 Rugby Tri Nations 2009 All Blacks vs South Africa.
18:53 Japan Rugby League Kobelco vs Blues.
22:54 Premier League Man-City vs Arsenal / Liverpool vs Burnley
13th: 19:54 Premier League Aston Villa vs Birmingham
22:15 Premier League Stoke city vs Chelsea
14th: 17:00 US Baseball LA Dodgers vs San Francisco
19:00 J League Gamba vs Vissel
15th: 18:00 J Baseball Marines vs Lions
22:00 P.League Tottenham vs Man United
17th: 17:55 J baseball Carp vs Dragons
19th: 22:54 P League week6 (undetermined game)
20th: 18:00 J league soccer Jubilo vs Sanga FC
21:14 P league Man U vs Man City
21st: 18:20 FIBA basketball Korea vs Japan
22nd: 20:20 FIBA basketball India vs Japan
23rd: 20:20 FIBA basketball semi finals
22:20 FIBA basketball semi finals
26th: 18:53 J Rugby Brave Lupus vs Verblitz
22:54 P League week7 (undetermined game)
28th: 17:55 J baseball Carp vs Baystars
29th: 17:55 J baseball Dragons vs Giants
30th: 17:55 J baseball Carps vs Baystars
Lets have a lot of fun in September
Waiting for you.......
The Gael's Irish Pub
Two months after the first competition, the second will be played this september.
Get ready to have great fun, and try to be champion!!!!
For 500 yens : join the competition and get one free drink.
Then, for all the participants, selected drinks will all be at 500 yens.
The competition will be played on playstation 3, using the game Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Winning Eleven 2009).
Prize for the 2 finalists....
if any questions, contact us 075-525-0680 or email me on
See you on the field...
10 September 2009
03 August 2009
Aug Schedule/八月のスケジュール
24 July 2009
24th Fri 20:30- LIVE Irish traditional music (No cover charge)
25th Sat 23:50- Rugby Tri-Nations 2009 South Africa vs. NZ All Blacks
31st Fri 20:30- LIVE Irish traditional music (No cover charge)
Come over to the Gael for great music and exciting game !!
Notice: No live music in August
The Gael Irish Pub 075-525-0680
01 July 2009
21 June 2009
23rd Tue.
""Gion Cup"" From 18:00 to 21:00
TV Football game competition will be held.
Be the first The Gael Irish Pub Winning Eleven CHAMPION on PlayStation 3. Join the tournament and show us you are the best virtual soccer player!!!!!!
If you want to participate, plaease come and entry by 18:00.
If you have any questions call us 075-525-0680, or e-mail us.
23rd Tue.
""Gion Cup"" From 18:00 to 21:00
TV Football game competition will be held.
Be the first The Gael Irish Pub Winning Eleven CHAMPION on PlayStation 3. Join the tournament and show us you are the best virtual soccer player!!!!!!
If you have any questions call us 075-525-0680, or e-mail us.
18 June 2009
ドレクスキップLIVE with R
スペシャルゲストあり。 お楽しみに~(*^_^*)
12 June 2009
@ The Gael
June. 12th. Friday
Start 20:30
No cover charge
Fiddle player, PAT O’OCONNOR, comes from Ennis in County Clare and has been playing music all his life. As a child he studied Piano-accordion, banjo, mandolin, and bouzouki, before finally settling on the fiddle as his weapon of choice. Pat settled in Feakle several years ago and soon established the annual Feakle Music Festival.
He has two acclaimed solo CDs "The Green Mountain" and "The Humours of Derrybeha".
Pat O'Connor’s music has the moderate pace and easy flow associated with County Clare. Home-grown, "pure drop" traditional music.
10 June 2009
Newest Events Schedule in June.
10th Wed.
FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game
Japan vs Qatar kick off 19:35-
Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
12th Fri.
Irish Traditional Live Music by Pat O' Connor start 20:30-
: he is one of the top player. Come and check up the best tunes.
13th Sat.
Quiz Night by quiz master Graham
(Sorry, only in English, I am afraid)
Chance to use your sleeping brain or refresh your brain with cold beer!
17th Wed.
FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game
Japan vs Australia 19:20- Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
23rd Tue.
""Gion Cup"" From 18:00 to 21:00
TV Football game competition will be held.
Be the first The Gael Irish Pub Winning Eleven CHAMPION on PlayStation 3. Join the tournament and show us you are the best virtual soccer player!!!!!!
If you have any questions call us 075-525-0680, or e-mail us.
Newest Events Schedule in June.
10th Wed.
FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game
Japan vs Qatar kick off 19:35-
Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
12th Fri. Irish Traditional Live Music by Pat O' Connor start 20:30-: he is one of the top player. Come and check up the best tunes.
13th Sat. Quiz Night by quiz master Graham (Sorry, only in English, I am afraid) Chance to use your sleeping brain or refresh your brain with cold beer!
17th Wed. FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game Japan vs Australia 19:20- Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
23rd Tue. ""Gion Cup"" From 18:00 to 21:00 TV Football game competition will be held.
Be the first The Gael Irish Pub Winning Eleven CHAMPION on PlayStation 3. Join the tournament and show us you are the best virtual soccer player!!!!!!
If you have any questions call us 075-525-0680, or e-mail us.
Newest Events Schedule in June.
10th Wed. FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game Japan vs Qatar kick off 19:35-
Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
12th Fri. Irish Traditional Live Music by Pat O' Connor start 20:30-: he is one of the top player. Come and check up the best tunes.
13th Sat. Quiz Night by quiz master Graham (Sorry, only in English, I am afraid) Chance to use your sleeping brain or refresh your brain with cold beer!
17th Wed. FIFA World cup 2010 Qualification game Japan vs Australia 19:20- Which team do you cheer for??
We will show on the big screen and 3 small screen with full sound Enjoy the exciting game with us !!
23rd Tue. ""Gion Cup"" From 18:00 to 21:00 TV Football game competition will be held.
Be the first The Gael Irish Pub Winning Eleven CHAMPION on PlayStation 3. Join the tournament and show us you are the best virtual soccer player!!!!!!
If you have any questions call us 075-525-0680, or e-mail us.
03 June 2009
What's hot in Jun !!
オープン マイク ナイト Start 20:30
As you know, it is an open stage for anyone who wants to perform.
The chance to show your hidden talent.
Irish Traditional Live Music on Every Fridays
(12th, 19th, 26th)
06 May 2009
Events in May 五月のイベント
オープン マイク ナイト Start 20:30
As you know, it is an open stage for anyone who wants to perform.
The chance to show your hidden talent.
Irish Traditional Live Music on Every Fridays
(1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th)
start 20:30
01 April 2009
Events in April/4月のイベント情報
オープン マイク ナイト Start 20:30
As you know, it is an open stage for anyone who wants to perform.
The chance to show your hidden talent.
April 2nd LIVE by "Mr. Toi" Start 19:30
Start 20:30 No cover Charge
23 March 2009
3月28日のジョニーのさよならパーティーには多くの方にご参加、祝杯をいただき本当にありがとうございました。私たちを含めジョニーファンにとっては とても寂しい別れとなりました。また、彼もどれだけ愛されていたかを強く感じたのではないでしょうか。イギリスから帰ったら、現実と向き合い新しい生活を 歩んでゆくことになります。五年間のアイリッシュ的生活ではなく早朝から仕入れ・仕込みと厳しい修行になるようです。きっとたまにはみなさんとギネスを片 手に”ほっこり”としたいと時もあるかと思いますので、これからは、良き友達として見守っていただければと思います。さあ、ジョニーいなくなりパブは寂し くなりますが、スタッフみんなで力を合わせて”ゲール”を盛り上げていきたい思っていますので今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いします。
The Gael Irish Pub
02 March 2009
or, should we say "St. Paddy's Day". Eitherway, it is the day to party, oh no no, celebrate and remember how wonderful he was...
This year it is on Tuesday, so it will be pretty quiet, we think. But we will have lively irish music for all night including U2, Cramberries, The Corrs, and also for the old foggies some traditional music like Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallaghar, and Van Morrison. You know what I mean?
Also,a special 500 yen green cocktail will be offered and from 21:00 to 21:30 we will do Guinness fast drinking.
Don't forget the rules:
NO SPILLING for Guinness, which is close to God for an Irishman.
NO PUKING, thank you very much.
And this is the 6th year of the GFD history, so we know that people will be amazed how quickly you can drink Guinness.
So, we would like, for boys under 7 seconds, for girls under 10 seconds, about.
Let's have a great St. Paddy's Day and please go home safe and sound.
皆様ついに3月がやってきました! そう春到来!! 花粉シーズンど真ん中!!!
そして3月17日はアイリッシュパブの一大イベントSt. Patrick's dayがありますね!
緑の日です! この日にパブに来なくていつパブに来るんだ?! そこまで大事な一大イベントなんですよ!!
3/4 Open Mic Night
毎月の第一水曜日はオープンマイクの日ですね! オープンマイクとは誰でもが参加できるイベントで、音楽の演奏はもちろん、ポエムを読んだり、日頃の鬱憤をみんなに聞いてもらったり、面白い話を披露したりと、参加しても、見ていても面白いイベントですね!
まだまだ演奏に自信がない人でも大丈夫! 司会者でもありピアニストでもあるベニーが必ずサポートしてくれます! お気軽に参加してみてくださいね。
3/6 Irish Music LIVE
No cover charge
Start 20:30
3/7 Quiz Night
3/13 Irish Music LIVE
3/14 6Nations Rugby
Wales VS Italy 23:50~ LIVE
3/15 6Nations Rugby
Ireland VS Scotland 18:00~ (R)
England VS France 23:50~ LIVE
3/17 St, Patrick's Day Open 16:00~
アイルランドのお祭り St,パトリックスデー。 アイルランドにキリスト教を伝えたとされる聖パトリックさんの命日に開かれるお祭りで、アイルランド系移民が最も多いアメリカのシカゴやサンフランシスコなどでは川が緑になったりと何万人が盛大に祝うお祭りです!
どこらともかくパブに押し寄せて来るお客さん! この日盛り上がらなくていつ盛り上がるんだ!!
そして毎年行われるGuinness早飲み大会!! 男性部門、女性部門の優勝者には豪華賞品をご用意しております。 自信のある方はお早めにエントリーお願いいたします。
3/20 Music LIVE ~Drak Skip (ドレイクスキップ)~
来月4月からは3人編成で盛り上げてくれると約束されてます!! 4人の息のあった演奏を聞けるのも3月が最後です!! 皆さんでドレクスキップを盛り上げてやってください!!
3/21 6Nations Rugby
Italy VS France 22:05~ LIVE
England VS Scotland 24:20~ LIVE
3/22 6Nations Rugby
Wales VS Ireland 22:00~ (R)
3/27 Irish Music LIVE
No cover charge
Start 20:30
3/28 Johnny SAYONARA Party
しかしもう決断してしまいました!! 最後の花道は盛大にいきますよ〜!!!
長い間本当に皆様にはお世話になりました。 これからもブログやmixiは続けていきますのでどうぞあたたかく見守ってやって下さい!!
18 February 2009
The Gael Irish Pub 5th Anniversary Party 2/21.22
5th Anniversary Shot 500円〜。
日頃の感謝を込めましての特別価格となっております。ふらふらになるまで飲み明かしましょう!!! 僕の肝臓がどこまで持つのか。。。ある意味誕生日より怖いです
そして、それだけでは来た意味がない! 普段では買えないスペシャルグッズの放出を行いたいと思います!!
一杯頼む事に一つくじをひいてもらいます !!!
ジェイムソンのダーツセットやTシャツ、キーホルダー 12年のミニチュアボトル。
などなど もらっといて損はない景品の数々
03 February 2009
2009年が開けてから早くも1月が終わってしまいましたね。。。 月日がたつのは本当に早いもので。
うかうかしていたらすぐ2009年も終わってしまいそうですね。 今年の目標はもう決めましたか?? まだってかたは、今からでも遅くないですよ!!
では2月のイベントスケジュール紹介へ! 行ってみよ!!!
2/6 Irish Music LIVE
2/7 6Nations Rugby
England VS Italy 23:50~ LIVE
2/8 6Nations Rugby
Ireland VS France 19:00~ (R)
2/9 6Nations Rugby
Scotland VS Wales 22:00~ (R)
2/11 絶対に負けられない戦いがそこにはある! サッカー日本代表wカップ最終予選
日本 対 オーストラリア 19時20分 キックオフ
2/13 Irish Music LIVE
2/14 St.バレンタインデー。
2/14 6Nations Rugby
France VS Scotland 23:50~ LIVE
2/15 休館日
2/20 Music LIVE ~Drak Skip (ドレイクスキップ)~
2/21.22 The Gael Irish Pub 5th Anniversary Party
ついにこの日がやって来ましたね! ゲールも今年でなんと5周年を迎える事となりました。
今決まっているのは、生ビール500円〜。Anniversaryカクテル300円〜。5th Anniversary Shot 500円〜。
早いもの勝ちの2日間! そして、あまりにあまったノベルティーグッズの放出と、来ては損なしの2日間です。是非、この機会にゲールの5周年をお祝い下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。
2/27 Irish Music LIVE
2/28 International Party
2/28 6Nations Rugby
France VS Wales 22:00~ (R)
Scotland VS Italy 23:50~ LIVE
3/1 6Nations Rugby
Ireland VS England 22:00~ (R)
03 January 2009
1/7 Open Mic Night
As we say in the Title, Mic is open for anybody. If you are looking for a place to show your talent, come and make your stage ! Music, Dance, Magic,,, Host Beni help you for back music.
1/ SAYONARA 1497パーティー 最終章
けっこうあると安心したあなた! なくなり次第終了します! だって無いんですもん。
1/16 Music LIVE ~Drak Skip (ドレイクスキップ)~
1/23 Irish Music LIVE
1/24 Philippe Bye-Bye Party
ゲールの名物スタッフ、フィリップがついに旅に出る事になりました。パブで働き始めて約一年! 共に笑い、共に酒を飲み、共に切磋琢磨し、共に学び、共に働いた彼も新しい道へのステップアップとして約一年の国内、海外旅行に出かけるそうです。
1/30 Irish Music LIVE
2009年1月3日 ゲールアイリッシュパブ 店長上西芳明 オーナーMichael Jackson