24 November 2009

Hanz Araki @ The Gael Irish Pub ! ハンズ アラキがゲールに来る!

Irish flute player Hanz Araki is the quintessential world music musician. He has performed around the world with the Juno Award-winning Paperboys, The Bridies, Casey Neill, etc. While his love is Irish music, his deep roots are in the shakuhachi, the traditional bamboo "Zen flute" of Japan, following in the footsteps of his father, Kinko Ryu Grand Master Kodo Araki V. There, his American mother’s Gaelic roots came into play, and he began teaching himself Irish and Scottish tunes on the flute and whistle. His ability on the flute and his uncanny command of traditional songs with his voice quickly made him a fixture of the Irish music scene in America. Do not miss this chance!

アイリッシュフルート奏者として世界を駆け巡るハンズ荒木は、カナダの音楽祭Juno Awardで賞したPaperboys, The Bridies, Casey Neillなどとの共演もしてきた実力ある音楽家。若い頃から父・琴古流尺八大師範 荒木古童より尺八を学び、アイルランド系アメリカ人の母の影響でアイルランド音楽とスコットランド音楽も学び始めた。ハンズのフルート演奏力と伝統音楽ボーカルとしての抜け目ない指揮力は、間もなくアメリカのアイルランド音楽シーンとして定着した。この機会に是非ハンズのすばらしい演奏をお聴きください。

Look at HP for more information 詳しくはHPへ http://www.hanzaraki.com/home.html

Date Nov 28th Sat

Start <20:30>

No cover charge!

Reservation is recommended. Call 075-525-0680

 The Gael Irish Pub

19 November 2009

Nov Schedule

4th Open Mic night
   starts 20:30

As you know, it is an open stage for anyone who wants to perform.
The chance to show your hidden talent.

19th Beaujolais Nouveau Night!!
   glass/グラス 600円 bottle/ボトル 3,000円
21st International Party ~Boots party~
   国際交流パーティ ~ブーツパーティー~

   Door 3,000円 All you can drink! 飲み放題


6th,27th LIVE Irish Traditional Music
ライブ アイリッシュ伝統音楽
      starts 20:30

20th LIVE Irish Traditional and Original Music by Drakskip
    ライブ アイリッシュ伝統音楽とオリジナル音楽 by ドレクスキップ
    starts 20:30