03 January 2013


9th (Wed) 20:30- 
Music Event♪

Open Mic Night   オープンマイクナイト(自由参加型ステージ)
  It's a chance to show off your hidden talent ! 

Not Decided Yet (will be updated soon,,,)
Irish Traditional Music  by experienced band representing Kyoto Irish Music scene.
京都のアイリッシュ音楽界を代表するバンドによる アイルランド伝統音楽

20th (Sun) 18:00-21:00
 International Party    国際交流パーティー 
     All you can drink international party!! 飲み放題パーティー
     3,000 yen at the door. (for members, 2,500yen)

22nd (Tue) 20:00- 22:00
 Gael's New Year Party ゲールの新年会
  Hot Pot Party ♬ 
       Please give us notice to "iwachidoshiori@gmail.com" to join the party.

  参加ご希望の方は、 iwachidoshiori@gmail.com  までご連絡ください。

27th (Sun) 20:30-
Gael's Girl's Night 
    Please give us notice to "iwachidoshiori@gmail.com" to join the party.
    参加ご希望の方は、 iwachidoshiori@gmail.com  までご連絡ください。

31st (Thu) 21:00- 
  Kisa's Farewell Party 
     Kisa has been a great member of the Gael. Now it's the time for her to start her new life. She is leaving Kyoto soon. We want to hold a bye-bye party to cheer for her new start. Please join us !!
