2nd (Sun) 11:00- Rugby World Cup Lunch
New Zealand vs Canada
この日限定でニュージーランドの朝食を提供します。キューイの味を試してみてください。 We will serve traditional New Zealand Breakfast only this day! Come to try special Kiwi dish!
5th (Wed) 20:30- Open Mic Night オープンマイクナイト♪
Every 1st Wednesday of the month is Open Mic night! Open stage for anybody.
Let's play music, dance, sing ,,,show your hidden talent !
Let's play music, dance, sing ,,,show your hidden talent !
楽器演奏、ダンス、一発芸、、、などなど何でもあり! 秘めた才能を披露してみませんか?
楽器演奏、ダンス、一発芸、、、などなど何でもあり! 秘めた才能を披露してみませんか?
7th,14th,21st,28th (Fri) Thank you for waiting! ライブ復活!
♪Irish traditional music 伝統的アイルランド音楽
8th/ 9th (Sat/Sun) 13:30- Rugby world Cup Quater-Final
13th (Thu) 21:00- Slinky Tips byスリンキーティップス
Soul, R&B, Jazz,,,,etc They are the entertainer! sweet singer, Yaname, crazy amazing guter player, Koko,
smooth bass player, Nukki will entertain you with great music. You should come this day!
smooth bass player, Nukki will entertain you with great music. You should come this day!
15th/ 16th (Sat/Sun) 16:30- Rugby world Cup Semi-Final
16th (Sun) 19:00-
International Party 国際交流パーティー
(Time schedule is different. only for this month. 開始時間が今月のみ変わっています。)
All you can drink for 3 hours !!! 3,000yen at the door (2,500yen for Whynot!? member)
みんなでワイワイ交流しましょッ♪ 三時間飲み放題!!チャージ 3,000円 (whynot!?メンバーなら2,500円)
20th (Thu) 20:00- ゲールの女子会★Gael's Girl's Night
If you want to join us please ask staff. 参加ご希望の方は、スタッフにお声かけください♪
23rd (Sun) 16:30- Rugby world Cup Final
27nd (Thu) Sheena ♪ Live by Sheena by シーナ
Sheena is amazing! They play mixture of Irish, European,,, music.
You can not miss their music night♪ Look at their HP: http://sheena-net.com/
新しい感覚のアイリッシュ音楽です。 この夜を見逃すな!29th, 30th, 31st
Halloween Party days !!! ハロウィーンパーティー!!
Details coming up later...詳細は後ほど。。。
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