30 December 2010

The Countdown Party

Dec 31st (Fri) The last day of 2010 !!!
Having a nice winter holiday? Tomorrow is the last day of 2010 !! Time flies!The Gael is inviting you to the countdown party ! We will celebrate 2011 with champaign for everyone at the pub and also, serving soba noodle (Toshikoshi Soba) to wish for long life. Come over for the memorial moment. Let's have fun together!!

冬休みをエンジョイしていますか?さて、2010年も明日で終わりを迎えます。あっという間でしたね。ゲールでは、2010年の終わりと2011年到来のお祝いに、カウントダウンパーティーを開催いたします。 シャンパンを片手に一緒に記念すべき瞬間を祝いましょう!また、年越しそばもご用意しております。では、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしましょう♪

05 December 2010

Christmas Dinner Party★クリスマスディナー

Christmas Dinner Party

Dec. 24th & 25th 

18:00 ~ 21:00

All you can eat ! 食べ放題 !

Only 2,900 yen

(1,500 yen for children)

including one drink  1ドリンク付き

(wine, sparkling wine,

coffee, tea, or other soft drink).

Traditional Christmas

Dinner Buffet

Soup スープ

Bread パン

Roast Turkey Breast  ローストターキーブレスト

with stuffing, cranberry sauce and plenty of gravy sauce


Roast potato ローストポテト

Mashed potato マシュポテト

Steamed vegetables 温野菜         


500yen for Christmas pudding with rum white sauce


The table will be full of traditional Christmas dinner.

We are waiting to celebrate the special days with you

Reservation required(要予約)

075-525-0680 or 090-7482-7973(day time/日中)

02 December 2010

DEC events schedule 12月のイベント情報

Dec 1st (Wed)
Open Mic Night
オープンマイクナイト (自由参加型ステージ)
start: 20:30

Dec 6th (Mon)
Gael's Lady's Night (Ask Shiori for details! Call 090-7482-7973)
start: 19:00 (not at the Gael)

Dec 10th (Fri)
Sean's Farewell Party♪ ショーンの送別会 みんな来てね♪
start: 20:00

Dec 16th (Thu)
Live♪by Slinky Tips (soul, jazz, pop, rock,r&b,,,etc)
       スリンキーチップス (ソウル、ジャズ、ロック、R&B、、、など)
start: 21:00

Dec 17th (Fri)
Live♪ by Drakskip (mixture of Irish and northern Europe music)
start: 20:30

Dec 18th(Sat)
International Party All you can drink for 3 hours
          国際交流パーティー 3時間飲み放題!!
start: 18:00 end: 21:00
admission: 3,000 yen 参加費:3,000円

Dec 24th(Fri) & 25th (Sat)

Christmas Dinner Party
Traditional Roast Turkey dinner on buffet.
(Check up other info about Christmas dinner)

クリスマスディナー パーティー

Dec 31st (Fri)
Countdown Party @ The Gael
Let's finish 2010 with great laugh and drink with us!


20 November 2010

Autumn Music Week !!

23rd (Tue)
Guitar Live by Kazutaka Horio

24th (Wed)
Irish Music Live by Hanz Araki

25th (Thu)
World wide music Live by Slinky Tips

Check up below for detail

Live by Slinky Tips

Live by ♪Slinky Tips♪
November 25th Thu

From 21:00
No Cover Charge
Tips are welcomed!!

Slinky Tips, was the special guest in October. They are now coming back to The Gael every month. Slinky Tips plays Jazz, R&B, Rock, Soul,,,,etc, wide range of music style, to entertain us with their great voice, music, and performance. Come over to get bottoms up!

スリンキーチップスは10月のスペシャルゲストでしたが、今後は毎月のライブバンドとしてお迎えすることになりました。スリンキーチップスの演奏ジャンルは幅広く、Jazz, R&B, Rock, Soul,,,,など数多くのカバーを持っています。彼らのすばらしい演奏、歌声、パフォーマンスに酔いしれてみませんか?是非お越し下さい!

堀尾 和孝 参上!!

November 23rd Tue

Special Live By Kazutaka Horio

Amazing guitar player! Just come to listen! You will be a fan right away!! Don't miss this chance !!!

From 20:30
No cover charge.
Tips are welcomed!

堀尾 和孝さんによるスペシャルギターライブ



日本を代表するアコギエンターテイナー。オリジナル楽曲に加え、与作からHighway Starまで幅広い音楽をアコギ1本で表現。あらゆるジャンルを網羅したオリジナルアレンジの楽曲は200曲を超える。卓越したテクニックと圧倒的なライブパフォーマンスが大好評のソロライブ「アコギ一本勝負」は全国年間250ステージ以上を展開。チェット・アトキンスからCGPの称号を与えられた世界的ギタリスト、トミー・エマニュエルの2007日本公演にて、オープニングアクトを努め、本人からも絶賛される。国内外で高い評価を受け、2007年のハワイ公演も大成功をおさめる。デビッドボウイ、俳優・大杉漣をはじめ、数々の著名アーティストのプロデュース、ライブ、レコーディングに参加。2008年4月にソロアルバム「DayBreak暁」を発表各方面から絶賛を浴びる。

07 November 2010

Hanz Araki @ The Gael Irish Pub ! ハンズ アラキがゲールに来る!

Irish flute player Hanz Araki is the quintessential world music musician. He has performed around the world with the Juno Award-winning Paperboys, The Bridies, Casey Neill, etc.While his love is Irish music, his deep roots are in the shakuhachi, the traditional bamboo "Zen flute" of Japan, following in the footsteps of his father, Kinko Ryu Grand Master Kodo Araki V. There, his American mother’s Gaelic roots came into play, and he began teaching himself Irish and Scottish tunes on the flute and whistle. His ability on the flute and his uncanny command of traditional songs with his voice quickly made him a fixture of the Irish music scene in America. Do not miss this chance!

アイリッシュフルート奏者として世界を駆け巡るハンズ荒木は、カナダの音楽祭Juno Awardで賞したPaperboys, The Bridies, Casey Neillなどとの共演もしてきた実力ある音楽家。若い頃から父・琴古流尺八大師範 荒木古童より尺八を学び、アイルランド系アメリカ人の母の影響でアイルランド音楽とスコットランド音楽も学び始めた。ハンズのフルート演奏力と伝統音楽ボーカルとしての抜け目ない指揮力は、間もなくアメリカのアイルランド音楽シーンとして定着した。この機会に是非ハンズのすばらしい演奏をお聴きください。

Look at HP for more information 詳しくはHPへ http://www.hanzaraki.com/home.html

Date Nov 24th Wed

Start <20:30>

No cover charge!

Reservation is recommended. Call 075-525-0680

 The Gael Irish Pub

03 November 2010

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night November edition!!


は待ちに待ったオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 秘めたタレントを披露してください!意外な仲間と出会えるかも知れませんよ♪ 

開始 午後8時半 no charge


November 3rd th (Wed)

is the day for Open mic. Night!! that everyone has been waiting for.
let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! Show off your hidden talent. Meet new friends!  
Start from 20:30 No charge
Waiting for you.....

25 October 2010

Halloween Party

Scary Halloween Party @ The Gael

On 3oth & 31st

The gael will be the scariest haunted house on Halloween!

30th Halloween Movies & Music On.
Special gifts for best outfit.
Free shots for every one.
Welcome 'Trick or Treat !'

31st Halloween Movies & Music On.
Special gifts for best outfit.
Games to win special gifts !

Come over in your scary outfit ...

30 September 2010

October Events 10月のイベント

Oct. 1st 20:30
Irish Traditional Music by Felicity (Vocal.&Drum), Atsuko (Fiddle), Atsushi (Guitar)

Oct. 2nd 19:00-21:00
Wattsuappu Releasing Party 3,000 yen for all you can drink.

Oct 6th (Wed) 20:30
Open Mic. Night (Open stage) please look at the add below.
オープンマイクナイト(オープンステージ) 詳細は下です。

Oct 15th (Fri) 20:30
Irish Music Live by Drakskip HP:http://www.drakskip.net/menu.html
アイリッシュ音楽 by ドレクスキップ HP:http://www.drakskip.net/menu.html

Oct. 22nd, 29th (Fri)20:30
Irish Traditional Music Live

Oct 7th,14th,21st,28th (every Thu) 20:30
Live by Slinky Tips R&B, Rock, Pop, Jazz,,,, etc
member Yaname(Vocal) Nukki- (Bass) Ko-chan(Guitar & Vocal)
ライブ by スリンキーティップス 

Oct 13th, 20th, 27th (Wed)
Acostic Rock music Live by David Davis
アコースティックロック by デイビット デイビス

Oct. 30th & 31st
Halloween Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night October edition!!


は待ちに待ったオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 秘めたタレントを披露してください!意外な仲間と出会えるかも知れませんよ♪ 

開始 午後8時半 no charge


October 6th (Wed)

is the day for Open mic. Night!! that everyone has been waiting for.
let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! Show off your hidden talent. Meet new friends!  
Start from 20:30 No charge
Waiting for you.....

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night October edition!!


は待ちに待ったオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 秘めたタレントを披露してください!意外な仲間と出会えるかも知れませんよ♪ 
開始 午後8時半 no charge

October 6th (Wed)

is the day for Open mic. Night!! that everyone has been waiting for.
let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! Show off your hidden talent. Meet new friends!  
Start from 20:30.
Waiting for you.....

21 September 2010

LIVE Tsukumo 月萌                   尺八Shakuhachi & ピアノPiano

10月17日 午後八時から
Oct 17th Sun 20:00~

Tsukumo月萌 和洋の響き♪ 

Tsukumo is the unit of Piano and Japanese instrument such as Shakuhachi and Shinobue (traditional flut). Tukumo has been expressing original music world through their nobility artistic style.


山口 整萌 -Seimo Yamaguchi-
Seimo Yamaguchi started playing a guitar when he was student and after the career of DJ, flew to New York. In New York, he realized the value of Japan to himself. After he came back to Japan, he opened the door of Japanese traditional music. Few years later, he learned Shakuhach flute and Shinobue flute, then he received the name of Seimo. In September 2008, he created the Japanese and western music collaboration unit, Tsukumo, and he has been actively working as a musician to tell the value of “Wa”, Japanese soul.

小山 剛 -Tsuyoshi Koyama-
Tsuyoshi Koyama started playing piano by self teaching since 1995, and actively working as a Jazz or Chanson pianist. Recently, he has been a pianist for Tsukumo with his theme “Piano that plays ‘Wa’, Japanese soul”. Also, Tsuyoshi is extending his talent to compose and arrange music.

20 September 2010

Arthur Guinness Day アーサー・ギネス・デイ

News! News! News!
GUINNESS 650 yen
 on SEP 24th(Fri), 25th(Sat), 26th(Sun)

ギネスが 650円

Birthday of Mr.Arther Guinness, originator of Guinness is 24th of Sep. 1725. To celebrate his birthday, we are holding Guinness Party, offering a pint of Guinness by only 650 yen!! Come over to taste a perfect pint!


01 September 2010

September schedule 9月のイベント

Sep 1st (Wed) 20:30〜

OPEN Mic. Night / オープンマイクナイト
It is the stage for all of you who want to show your hidden talents! you might become a star of Kyoto.

Sep. 4th (Sat) 18:00 〜 21:00

International Party !!!!!!!!!! 国際交流パーティー!!!!!!!!!

All you can drink. Get to meet your new friends!!
3,000 yen at the door
参加費 3,000円

Sep. 3rd, 10th, 24th (Fri) 20:30〜

Traditional Irish Music LIVE ♪ / アイルランド伝統音楽ライブ♪

well known Irish musicians in Kansai will be at the Gael every Friday to entertain you with lively Irish music. I am sure that you will get feel like dancing!

Sep. 17th (Fri) 20:30〜

Irish & Northern Europe traditional music by Drakskip
アイルランド&北欧伝統音楽 by ドレックスキップ

Energetic powerful tunes by young Japanese band. Their original great mixture of world music keep your eyes and ears. If you don't know them yet, you should come to listen!

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night

残暑も厳しく、まだまだ暑いですが、みなさんお元気でしょうか?さて、今晩9月1日はオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 熱さなんか吹っ飛ばしましょう!開始 午後8時半です。では、皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。

Hi, Gaelers. September has come! however,, still very very hot everyday,, how are you surviving? To blow off the heat, let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! TONIGHT!!  Sep. 1st from 20:30. Waiting for you.

10 July 2010

Pat O Conner

Special Music Live by Pat O Conner ♪ 
スペシャルゲスト パット オー コナーによるライブ♪

July 12th (Mon) and July 14th (Wed)

From 8:30 pm

No cover charge !

What a exciting thing !

FIFA World Cup 2010 Final Game

Spain vs Netherlands
スペイン vs オランダ

11th, Sunday from 27:30
(early morning of 12th, Monday).

More over!!
A pint of Guinness will be 600 yen
for all night from 5pm for this exciting game!

なんとギネス900yen が、 600yen!!!


Come over for drink and game!

The Gael Irish Pub

What a exciting thing !

FIFA World Cup 2010 Final Game

Spain vs Netherlands
スペイン vs オランダ

11th, Sunday from 27:30
(early morning of 12th, Monday).

More over!!
A pint of Guinness will be 600 yen
for all night from 5pm for this exciting game!

Come over for drink and game!

31 May 2010

JUN events

Jun 1st (Tue) from20:00

Wataru's birthday party! わたる君のお誕生日会♪

Jun 2nd (Wed)20:30

Open Mic Night オープンマイクナイト
Open stage for anyone. Please show off your hidden talent.
誰でも参加できるオープンステージ です。秘めた才能を披露してください!

Jun 4th,11th (Fri) 20:30

Irish traditional music LIVE
アイルランド音楽 生演奏

Jun 19th (Sat)

International Party (all you can drink for 3,000yen)
国際交流パーティー(飲み放題 3,000円)

JUN events

Jun 1st (Tue) from20:00

Wataru's birthday party! わたる君のお誕生日会♪

Jun 2nd (Wed)20:30

Open Mic Night オープンマイクナイト
Open stage for anyone. Please show off your hidden talent.
誰でも参加できるオープンステージ です。秘めた才能を披露してください!

Jun 4th,11th (Fri) 20:30

Irish traditional music LIVE
アイルランド音楽 生演奏

Jun 19th (Sat)

International Party (all you can drink for 3,000yen)
国際交流パーティー(飲み放題 3,000円)

28 May 2010

South Africa FIFA World Cup 2010 南アフリカFIFAワールドカップ2010                  

Jun 11th (Fri)

23:00 South Africa vs Mexico LIVE sound OFF

Jun 12th (Sat)

18:30 Uruguay vs France Recorded sound OFF

20:30 Korea vs Greek LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Argentina va Nigeria LIVE sound OFF

27:30 England vs U.S.A LIVE sound ON

Jun 13th (Sun)

20:30 Algeria vs Slovenia LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Serbia vs Ghana LIVE sound OFF

Jun 14th (Mon)

18:30 Germany vs Australia Recorded sound OFF

20:30 Holland vs Demark LIVE sound ON

23:00 Japan vs Cameroon LIVE sound ON

Jun 15th (Tue)

18:30 Italy vs Paraguay LIVE sound OFF

20:30 New Zealand vs Slovakia LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Cote d’lvoire vs Portugal LIVE sound OFF

Jun16th (Wed)

19:30 The highlights of last three game

New Zealand vs Slovakia/ Cote d’lvoire vs Portugal/ Brazil vs North Korea Recorded

20:30 Honduras vs Chile LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Spain vs Swiss LIVE sound ON

Jun 17th (Thu)


The highlights of last three games

Honduras vs Chile/ Spain vs Swiss /SouthAfrica vs Uruguay

20:30 Argentina vs South Korea LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Greek vs Nigeria LIVE sound OFF

Jun 18th (Fri)


The highlights of last three games

Argentina vs South Korea / Greek vs Nigeria /France vs Mexico

20:30 Germany vs Serbia LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Slovenia vs U.S.A LIVE sound OFF

27:30 England vs Algeria LIVE sound ON

Jun 19th (Sat)

Japan vs Holland will be on screen with sound at 20:30, but please be aware of the crowds because we are also holding the international party (18:00-21:00).


23:00 Ghana vs Australia LIVE sound ON

Jun 20th (Sun)

19:30 The highlights of last three games

Japan vs Holland/ Ghana vs Australia/ Cameroon vs Demark

20:30 Slovakia vs Paraguay LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Italy vs New Zealand LIVE sound OFF

Jun 21st (Mon) 19:30 The highlights of last three games

Slovakia vs Paraguay / Italy vs New Zealand / Brazil vs Cote d’ Ivoire

20:30 Portugal vs North Korea LIVE sound OFF

23:00 Chile vs Swiss LIVE sound OFF

Jun 22nd (Tue)

19:30 The highlights of last three games

Portugal vs North Korea /Spain vs Honduras/ Chile vs Swiss

23:00 Mexico vs Uruguay LIVE sound ON

Jun 23rd (Wed) 22:00 The highlights of last games

France vs South Africa / Mexico vs Uruguay / Greek vs Argentina / Nigeria vs South Korea

23:00 Slovenia vs England

U.S.A vs Algeria

Jun 24th (Thu) 22:00 The highlights of last games

Slovenia vs England /U.S.A vs Algeria / Ghana vs Germany / Australia vs Serbia

23:00 Slovakia vs Italy

Paraguay vs New Zealand

27:30 Japan vs Denmark

Jun 25th (Fri) 22:00 The highlights of last games

Slovakia vs Italy / Paraguay vs New Zealand / Japan vs Denmark / Cameroon vs Netherland

23:00 Portugal vs Brazil

North Korea vs Cote d’lvoire

27:30 Chili vs Spain

Jun 26th (Sat) 21:00 Weekly highlights

23:00 Uruguay vs South Korea

27:30 C 1 ( ) vs D 2 ( )

Update next schedule soon,,,,,

We will appreciate for your understanding for sudden schedule change or in case of technical problems (including these problems by The Gael)
