30 September 2010

October Events 10月のイベント

Oct. 1st 20:30
Irish Traditional Music by Felicity (Vocal.&Drum), Atsuko (Fiddle), Atsushi (Guitar)

Oct. 2nd 19:00-21:00
Wattsuappu Releasing Party 3,000 yen for all you can drink.

Oct 6th (Wed) 20:30
Open Mic. Night (Open stage) please look at the add below.
オープンマイクナイト(オープンステージ) 詳細は下です。

Oct 15th (Fri) 20:30
Irish Music Live by Drakskip HP:http://www.drakskip.net/menu.html
アイリッシュ音楽 by ドレクスキップ HP:http://www.drakskip.net/menu.html

Oct. 22nd, 29th (Fri)20:30
Irish Traditional Music Live

Oct 7th,14th,21st,28th (every Thu) 20:30
Live by Slinky Tips R&B, Rock, Pop, Jazz,,,, etc
member Yaname(Vocal) Nukki- (Bass) Ko-chan(Guitar & Vocal)
ライブ by スリンキーティップス 

Oct 13th, 20th, 27th (Wed)
Acostic Rock music Live by David Davis
アコースティックロック by デイビット デイビス

Oct. 30th & 31st
Halloween Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night October edition!!


は待ちに待ったオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 秘めたタレントを披露してください!意外な仲間と出会えるかも知れませんよ♪ 

開始 午後8時半 no charge


October 6th (Wed)

is the day for Open mic. Night!! that everyone has been waiting for.
let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! Show off your hidden talent. Meet new friends!  
Start from 20:30 No charge
Waiting for you.....

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night October edition!!


は待ちに待ったオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 秘めたタレントを披露してください!意外な仲間と出会えるかも知れませんよ♪ 
開始 午後8時半 no charge

October 6th (Wed)

is the day for Open mic. Night!! that everyone has been waiting for.
let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! Show off your hidden talent. Meet new friends!  
Start from 20:30.
Waiting for you.....

21 September 2010

LIVE Tsukumo 月萌                   尺八Shakuhachi & ピアノPiano

10月17日 午後八時から
Oct 17th Sun 20:00~

Tsukumo月萌 和洋の響き♪ 

Tsukumo is the unit of Piano and Japanese instrument such as Shakuhachi and Shinobue (traditional flut). Tukumo has been expressing original music world through their nobility artistic style.


山口 整萌 -Seimo Yamaguchi-
Seimo Yamaguchi started playing a guitar when he was student and after the career of DJ, flew to New York. In New York, he realized the value of Japan to himself. After he came back to Japan, he opened the door of Japanese traditional music. Few years later, he learned Shakuhach flute and Shinobue flute, then he received the name of Seimo. In September 2008, he created the Japanese and western music collaboration unit, Tsukumo, and he has been actively working as a musician to tell the value of “Wa”, Japanese soul.

小山 剛 -Tsuyoshi Koyama-
Tsuyoshi Koyama started playing piano by self teaching since 1995, and actively working as a Jazz or Chanson pianist. Recently, he has been a pianist for Tsukumo with his theme “Piano that plays ‘Wa’, Japanese soul”. Also, Tsuyoshi is extending his talent to compose and arrange music.

20 September 2010

Arthur Guinness Day アーサー・ギネス・デイ

News! News! News!
GUINNESS 650 yen
 on SEP 24th(Fri), 25th(Sat), 26th(Sun)

ギネスが 650円

Birthday of Mr.Arther Guinness, originator of Guinness is 24th of Sep. 1725. To celebrate his birthday, we are holding Guinness Party, offering a pint of Guinness by only 650 yen!! Come over to taste a perfect pint!


01 September 2010

September schedule 9月のイベント

Sep 1st (Wed) 20:30〜

OPEN Mic. Night / オープンマイクナイト
It is the stage for all of you who want to show your hidden talents! you might become a star of Kyoto.

Sep. 4th (Sat) 18:00 〜 21:00

International Party !!!!!!!!!! 国際交流パーティー!!!!!!!!!

All you can drink. Get to meet your new friends!!
3,000 yen at the door
参加費 3,000円

Sep. 3rd, 10th, 24th (Fri) 20:30〜

Traditional Irish Music LIVE ♪ / アイルランド伝統音楽ライブ♪

well known Irish musicians in Kansai will be at the Gael every Friday to entertain you with lively Irish music. I am sure that you will get feel like dancing!

Sep. 17th (Fri) 20:30〜

Irish & Northern Europe traditional music by Drakskip
アイルランド&北欧伝統音楽 by ドレックスキップ

Energetic powerful tunes by young Japanese band. Their original great mixture of world music keep your eyes and ears. If you don't know them yet, you should come to listen!

オープンマイクナイト Open Mic Night

残暑も厳しく、まだまだ暑いですが、みなさんお元気でしょうか?さて、今晩9月1日はオープンマイクナイトです!弾いて、歌って、踊って?! 熱さなんか吹っ飛ばしましょう!開始 午後8時半です。では、皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。

Hi, Gaelers. September has come! however,, still very very hot everyday,, how are you surviving? To blow off the heat, let's play music, sing, and dance,,,together at the open mic night! TONIGHT!!  Sep. 1st from 20:30. Waiting for you.